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November 23, 2023

This happening right now, at the place the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, through its representative Team New Zealand are taking money to play in a few days time:

30 Oct 2023

Saudi Arabia: Two young men at imminent risk of execution: Abdullah al-Derazi, Jalal Labbad

Abdullah al-Derazi and Jalal Labbad are at risk of imminent execution after Saudi Arabia’s Supreme Court secretly upheld their death sentences in secret, without notifying their families or lawyers. Both young men were under the age of 18 at the time of their alleged crimes and were sentenced for crimes related to their participation in anti-government protests after grossly unfair trials that primarily relied on torture-tainted confessions. The young men have exhausted all domestic legal remedies and could now be put to death at any moment if King Salman ratifies their death sentences.

For more distressing details of their torture and plight see: Amnesty International:

TNZ CEO Grant Dalton promised when announcing the of hosting an America's Cup regatta there would help change in Saudi - here is his chance to prove it to us all.